Facial Recognition App Maker FDNA Teams Up With Genetic Testing Companies

May 24, 2017


“Two genetic testing companies are integrating the workflow of Boston startup FDNA, which makes a suite of apps for clinicians called Face2Gene that use facial analysis, artificial intelligence, and genomic insights in hopes of improving diagnoses and treatment of rare diseases.”


The article explains that FDNA, the creator of a cutting-edge facial recognition app, has partnered with leading genetic testing companies to enhance genetic diagnostics and personalized medicine. This innovative decision support tool uses advanced algorithms to analyze facial features, aiding in the identification of genetic syndromes. By integrating this technology, genetic testing firms aim to improve diagnostic accuracy and efficiency. This collaboration highlights the growing role of digital health innovations in medical diagnostics. FDNA’s face recognition app exemplifies how traditional genetic testing can leverage AI and machine learning, setting a new standard in the landscape of digital health solutions.

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