These Entrepreneurs Are Out To Revolutionize Genetic Testing, Speeding It Up And Making It Cheaper

December 28, 2016


“Face2Gene has been adopted by about 70% of the 4,000 pediatric geneticists worldwide. Face2Gene gives geneticists the chance to run photographs of their patients against a database that incorporates details of different genetic syndromes. The results help geneticists either take the next step, to genetic tests – or in the cases where there are no genetic tests, may help a doctor make a diagnosis based on symptoms.”


The article highlights the entrepreneurs behind Face2Gene, an innovative decision-support tool revolutionizing genetic testing by making it faster and more affordable. Face2Gene leverages cutting-edge facial recognition technology and artificial intelligence to identify genetic disorders from patient photos. By analyzing facial features and comparing them with a vast database of genetic conditions, the tool provides quick and reliable diagnostic suggestions. This advancement significantly reduces the time and cost traditionally associated with genetic testing. The article emphasizes how Face2Gene‘s efficiency and accessibility are transforming genetic diagnostics, offering a crucial resource for early detection and personalized medical care.

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