What to do and see at ASHG 2022

ASHG annual meeting

The FDNA team is excited to be at the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) Annual Meeting, October 25-29 in Los Angeles. ASHG is the world’s largest gathering of human genetics professionals, bringing in members and scientists from all over the world to share their research. You can see our top picks of what to do and see at ASHG below—interested in scheduling a meeting with a member of our team? Contact us!


Session Poster – Mendelian Phenotypes Posters – Wednesday
Wed, Oct 26
Conv Ctr/Exhibit/Poster Hall/South Building
3:00pm – 4:45pm  (Pacific)

  • 4-years of Face2Gene in a General Genetics Clinic: Insights from Retrospective Analysis of Diagnosed Cases [Board No. PB1723] – Muriello, N. Xiong, D. Basel; Med. Coll. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
    Speaker: Michael Muriello
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  • GestaltMatcher supports classification of ultra-rare disorders and delineation of novel syndromes by facial phenotype descriptors [Board No. PB3007] – T-C. Hsieh1, A. Bar-Haim2, S. Moosa3
    Speaker: Tzung-Chien Hsieh
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  • Vici syndrome in Israel: Clinical and molecular insights [Board No. PB2008] – Pode-Shakked1,2,3, O. Chorin
    Speaker: Ben Pode-Shakked
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Session Poster – Molecular and Cytogenetic Diagnostics Posters – Thursday

Conv Ctr/Exhibit/Poster Hall/South Building
Thu, Oct 27
3:00pm – 4:45pm  (Pacific)

  • Is 22q11.2 deletion syndrome truly less common in African American patients? [Board No. PB2319] – McDonald-McGinn1,2, T. Crowley1,
    Speaker: Donna McDonald-McGinn
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Session Platform – Methods and databases: Open, benchmarked and FAIR

Conv Ctr/Concourse Hall F/West Building
Fri, Oct 28
2:00pm – 3:30pm  (Pacific)

  • GestaltMatcher Database: A FAIR database for medical imaging data of rare diseases – Lesmann1,2, S. Moosa3, S. Rosnev
    Speaker: Hellen Lesmann
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